Member-only story
Hustling The Written Word. How Do You Earn Money From Writing?
Inanimate letters. Dead words. How does a million-dollar story come alive? Read on.
You write. You think. You attempt to engage. In front of you is a flicker. A screen pulses. You type away. You hope letters form words. The words desperately search for insightful sentences. The sentences are supposed to make a paragraph. That paragraph should tell a story. You don’t think your content is bad. Most people compliment it. If it’s good…why in the world aren’t you making any money?
The old ways of thinking are…old.
Technology made this world a better place. There’s no question about that.
I agree.
My ability to connect to people is easier than it has been for any generation before me. The catch? Everyone has the same connection.
It’s easy to get drowned out. We are all water droplets with free passage to the ocean. The ocean is vast. So much so no one can tell a water drop apart. It’s like we froze in place. We might as well be snow. Every snowflake is unique. We are all individuals. It’s impossible to individually pay attention to any one snowflake.